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A Date Can Change YOU: Jewelry Designed To Commemorate Your Most Important Travel Dates

Writer: BunnyPlaysHereBunnyPlaysHere

When was the last time you did something that was just outside of your comfort zone? When did you challenge yourself to try something new?? When did you change your life perhaps without even realizing it?

As a blogger my job is to help others find their destinations and adventures, but it was not always so. There was a time some 2 years ago when I was sitting in the same shoes as so many of my readers, waiting on something to happen to break the cycle of monotony and find my place. I lived in a box, 4 walls of routine. Daily I went to the same job, which though I loved those I worked with, wasn't my calling and I knew this. But I like so many sat unknowing of how to break the cycle and still maintain a quality of life to which I had become accustomed.

I never took a vacation, I often would find my only release doing things with friends, but routine is a word I would strongly use to describe my day to day life. It wasn't for fear that I didn't venture out, but for lack of understanding how I could.

Then everything changed and an opportunity presented itself which forever changed my life. I took a very bold leap in faith into the unknown by taking a job which pushed me out of my comfort zone and sent me on an adventure to which I had no idea what would come next. For a few months I had the opportunity to live life from a very different perspective than a daily routine working with a group of very different individuals from that which I had known. This single opportunity, while brief set me on a course to want more of myself and my life. The world around me sang colors I had never seen and because of that I knew there would never be a day I wouldn't want to experience the most of life.

I returned home after the completion of the job and sat for months trying to figure out how I could capture this feeling forever. I downsized my life and packed it into boxes. Again 4 walls, this time for the majority of my possessions.

I didn't want to be contained, I wanted to roam and explore and see all that the world had to offer. But, for me to do this full time, I couldn't live the extravagant ways I had previous. It seemed like a lot to give up, but then I took another leap of faith and discovered just how much I was really gaining.

I opted that my first big trip would be a 2 week trip throughout the southwest with my best friend. We had known each other for years and yet never had the opportunity to travel together. We had been through the ups and downs of life, seen each other through some of the best and worst times and it seemed like a natural fit for this trip.

The goal was simple, 1 trip, 2 friends and hopes to see the Grand Canyon. What began as a simple trip turned into a series of detours, locations, firsts, scares and epic adventures. But on April 27, 2017 as we rolled into the Grand Canyon, nothing could have prepared me for what would be the day that would forever change my world.

Sometimes when you do things, you do not realize fully the impact something so simple can have on you in the big picture. As we walked toward the South Rim on the first of two days in the Canyon and peered over the edge for the first time a surreal chill fell over my body and for the first time I knew that my purpose would forever be changed. A photo cannot capture the effect of something so majestic, it can only serve as a reminder of the day for those who have truly been there. The static flatness of the image cannot change someone or move them inside in the way that being there can. I was tasked on that day to try to share my world with others in a real 3D way.

The following day we hiked the entire South Rim, taking in view after view and appreciating the world in a way I had never done before. In silence, in beauty there were so many thoughts and I just remember asking myself how I could ever fight this calling to share my world. It was to profound and I knew going forward against all odds my life was changed.

After returning home, I began the tireless pursuit of finding my voice, learning my craft and embarking on the adventure of sharing my world, but it was April 27, 2017 which made it all possible.

Sometimes I feel as though we let those moments pass us by that are uncomfortable, difficult to understand because we cannot see the full path ahead or that might seem unreasonable. But it is in those moments that we test ourselves the most and discover who we truly are beyond the comfort of what we have been taught to be true. Those who seek comfort alone can find only what brings them routine, but those which are willing to pass just beyond comfort and into the unknown can find their true calling and passion.

The single day of April 27, 2017 forever changed my life. And in that single day it showed just how by taking a leap a life can be altered for the better. For this reason, I decided to forever honor this day as a reminder of purpose.

I encourage everyone to look within and find that day of purpose or blaze a path toward creating that special day in your own life. Finding your day of success, of drive and of determination can make all the difference in the world around you. So boldly commemorate it and forever remind yourself through all the challenges life might hold in store of the day that allowed you to change your life.

Knowing that I forever wanted to remember this date I dove into searching for the best way to do so. Tattoos, while popular aren't really my thing, and a hanging on a wall can only serve as a memento when stationary. The best answer seemed to be a piece of jewelry which could carry significance and express my own style. While there are numerous options which exist, typically I favor a more simplistic look and wanted something which could travel or be with me daily. Silver seemed to be the right material for me since I always have gravitated toward this for my other pieces.

​Etching this day in a necklace might seem silly to some, but it isn't always the day you were engaged or married, the day you were born or the day you had a baby that matters. Sometimes, it is the day that forever changed your course and gave you a voice of purpose that matters most.

Sincerely Silver offered the best solution for my special travel date with their Roman Numeral Necklace. While I took note that the piece was small it also was something which could be a conversation piece along with being personal, helping me further connect with those around me about my journey and purpose. Offering a dainty look, I found it to be a great feminine look amongst even the most rugged of terrain I might encounter. But still the message was strong and powerful in the most ideal of destinations.

Now everywhere I go I take with me a piece of importance, a reminder of strength and message of purpose.

(Necklace Courtesy of Sincerely Silver; Roman Numeral Necklace. CLICK HERE TO SEE FULL INVENTORY)

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